What is InstaCover?

Use InstaCover to create Facebook cover image with Instagram photos. It's easy, and completely FREE. No need to register- simply sign in with your Facebook account.
About InstaCover
Your photos. Or Everyone Else's

Your Photos. Or Everyone Else's

Specify your own Instagram photos simply by typing in your ID. You can also use public Instagram photos, selecting them by Category or Tag. *Note: you do NOT have to be a user of Instagram to create a cover with InstaCover!

You can select from various layout designs.

There are various layout settings you can select.
Try and create your original cover!
You can select from various layout designs.
Easily Customizable

Easily Customizable!

Everything about InstaCover is easily customizable! Choose photo sizes, spacing and background colors. You can add own text message, too! Use our Live Preview feature to get your custom Facebook cover perfect for you!
Sign in with Facebook
Choose a favorite template for your Twitter/Facebook profile picture!
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